
Showing posts from December, 2011

Module 2A-4 - The Word Processor as a learning resource

The vast uses of the word processor came to light in this exercise.  I used the word processor to create a tri-fold brochure with my students.  The activity was well received and the students agreed that the instructions were clear and concise.  The interaction between the students were outstanding and the results very good.  The challenge came from the printing aspect of the project. The ability to incorporate ICT into your class exercises definitely benefits the students because of the various learning styles.  

Module 2A-4 - activity 3: Word Processor for administraor lesson preparation

I have been using word processors as a part of my lesson preparation and it has always been a source of help to me.  This exercise has served to strengthen my skills thus making the process of document preparation more seemless and the benefits more desirable.  I look forward to continued improvements in the use of word processors. Anything that can assist an educator in becoming better at what he/she does is a welcomed addition.

Module 1B-3: Group activity 3: Learners Charter

The learners charter is a place where ideas are bustling.  The contributors have truly placed themselves in the world of the learners and have brainstormed well.  I hope that the data collected will become a source of transformation for the development of our students.  Good job guys/gals - keep thinking... 

Module 2A-4 activity 1 - assignment 1

This  activity has given me a renewed sense of purpose.  I am thankful to God for allowing me the time and strength that it required to see this to completion.  I am richer for having completed this project.  I would like to thank my partner Clarita for sharing this special learning experience with me.  The long hours that we invested after our already packed days were over has truly been rewarding. The students in our charge will be the direct beneficiaries of this exercise and it will not be business as usual come next term but we will be able to implement some of the information learnt into our classes. Bring out the Non-Alcoholic Champagne and let us celebrate!!!!!