Module 1 - activity 12
Problem Solving What can I say about this activity? I am absolutely sure that this was my very best activity that I have been engaged in. This activity was difficult but very rewarding in the end and I am glad that I was able to learn from this meaningful exercise. Problem solving skills in my estimation are developed - it is a process that needs to be worked on in order for the benefits to be realized. When conducting your next problem solving exercise remember to consider these four steps: 1. Define the problem 2. Generate alternatives 3. Evaluate and select alternatives 4. Implement solutions It is very vital and important that students have multiple opportunities to assess their own problem solving skills and the solutions they gererate from using those skills. Somr thought provoking questions that can be asked by the teacher are: How do you feel about your progress so far? Are you satisfied with the results you obtained? and Why do you believe this...