
Showing posts from March, 2012


Going over some learning experiences... and feeling really good for having been a part of this phenomenal experience.

Module 2A-4: activity 11 - Creating a Personal Learning Network

Creating a PLN has been a very engaging exercise for me. Knowing that I can communicate and collaborate with like minds across the world while integrating ICT in our teaching/learning environment makes me excited. I have created my PLN by using Classroom2.0 and have linked my Twitter, Facebook, Blog site and website in one location.   I started a discussion and have been very pleased with the interaction that it created and the lessons that I learned have been great.  I have invited friends to follow me on this exciting journey so that we can learn together.  I have also followed friends and persons whose links have interested me.  I encourage you to visit me at                         PLN's are great for sharing, learning and growing....

Module 2A-4: activity 10 - Social media as a professional development resource

Social media is used to connect people of similar or different interests, using several different platforms.  Once linkages are established people or organizations can communication and share information with persons near or even in far lands.  Geographical location are not hindered when using social media unless there are blockages created by governments or organizations for specific reasons.  It fosters collaboration among friends as well as complete strangers with commonalities, for example I can share with IT teachers anywhere around the world for the benefit of my students.

Module 2A-4: Assignment 2

Enjoyed to the fullest.....

Module 2A-4: activity 9 - Evaluating web-hosted information - Purpose

This activity was new, fresh, puzzling and a good learning tool.  I thought I knew quite a bit about websites and searching for information on the internet but completing this exercise prove quite different.  It was quite time consuming but because there was a desired outcome, I stuck to it and now I am the beneficiary of it.  I learnt about information that I would not have been privy to on my own.  I am now better able to analyze web sites and to check the data on various sites as a result of this exercise.

Module 2A-4: activity 8 - Lesson reflection

Being engaged in this activity afforded me the opportunity to put the lessons that I learnt into practice.  I prepared a lesson and shared it with my team, although the responses were few I was still able to glean some important information about the plan.  Later I was able to apply the changes and having looked at it through others eyes, I was better able to develop the functionality of the use of technology into my lessons. Enjoyed the learning process.

Module 2A-4: activity 7 - Spreadsheets as a learning resource

ncorporating spreadsheets into a lesson with the desire to use it as a learning tool was the focus of this exercise.  There is a definite need to use spreadsheets in lessons but a different approach must be taken into consideration when it is to be used for many students at the same time.  When using one computer in a large class, the teacher is forced to become very creative.  We were able to produce lessons that were great and reached to the core of reaching each student even when working with limited resources.  Spreadsheets add to the lessons by providing a visual interpretation of information, thus reaching some students who learn better by visuals.  Creativity can be fantastic in learning.

Module 1B-3: Assessment 3

Challenging but very educational!!  What I have learnt will only serve to enhance what I do and how I do it. 

Module 1B-3: activity 8b - curriculum delivery

Teachers need to be proactive when implementing teaching methods.  It is not enough to put everything on pause because it is believed that the schools are not ready for ICT integration.  The teachers must try their best to incorporate some measure of technology into their lessons, so that the students will be more ready.  Curriculum changes must be implemented so our students can learn the difference between "just in-time" learning versus "just in-case" learning.  The focus needs to change and the teacher is responsible.  Student-centered lessons is definitely the way to the future.

Module 1B-3: activity 8a - Teaching spaces

ICT is changing the face of education in respect to teaching.  Teachers are responsible for the types of classroom spaces that they operate in.  Modern technologies and proper resources need to be put in place in order for the success of ICT integration to be realized.  Also the stake holders will have to seize the vision for the future.  Anytime, anywhere access to ICT will greatly impact and benefit our students.  Teachers are responsible for providing the best environment for learning.  Why wait... It is already on the way!!!

Module 1B-3: activity 7 - Reflection of Models of Technology adoption

When programs are to be implemented in any organization, careful planning must be done.  The cooperation of individuals is a key factor that can cause the program to be a success or a failure.  Resources and skills cannot be taken lightly as they contribute significantly to the process.  However, I would like to suggest that training of staff is a very vital part of the process.  It lends to a smooth integration of ICT into the curriculum.

Module 1B-3: activity 6 - Role of the teacher

I thoroughly enjoyed doing this activity.  In the past teachers were responsible for learning.  However, in our new role teachers are now expected to be responsible for guiding/directing our students into a self-learning process.  The integration of ICT will assist the students in taking more control of their learning.  Look out for assignment 2

Module1B-3:activity 5 - Myth of computer literacy

Teachers are very important in the learning process and the main point that I latched on in this exercise was the "just in-time" strategy.  It is a useful method thus enabling the students to be able to obtain need skills.  Challenge our students and motivate them into becoming the masters of their own destiny in an intellectual way.  Empower them!!!

Module 1B-3: activity 4B - "Minimally invasive education"

Minimal invasion dictates that our students will learn once exposed.  Peer interaction seems almost automatic and stands to benefit all persons involved.  Sharing in the educational process not only benefits the strong but also the weak ones.  It is believed that students are born with the abilities that will foster learning.  They can be responsible for their own learning if the correct plans are put in place

1B-3: activity 4 - Is there a need for teachers?

Spontaneous learning lead to exploration in the learning process.  This type of learning becomes more interesting when computers are added to the mix.   It was highlighted that regardless of the formal training received children continued to gravitate to the use of ICT skills because of the values placed on their ability to explore and research.  It was said that children can learn on their own if given a chance.  Teachers will still be needed but not as teachers but as facilitators of learning.  Student-centered learning leads to fun in education.