Module 8 Activity 2 - Learning in an ICT enabled classroom

The use of ICT can bring about significant changes in the quality of education being offered in schools. Come with me as we explore some of the pros and cons of an ICT enabled classroom.


ICT can be used to improve the quality of education by facilitating the sharing of resources, expertise and advice.

Higher quality lessons can be created through greater collaboration among teachers as they plan and prepare using available resources.

The use of ICT tools during the lessons can serve as motivation for our students in the continuation of the learning experience after the regular school hours.

The use of ICT provides more collaborative opportunities for students to share on assignments, whether inside or outside of school.

ICT offers easier communication between parents and teachers.


If there are no established policies that govern the use of ICT in the classroom, then “a piece meal” approach could result in confusion and even frustration among the staff and the students.

The negative attitude of some teachers due to the lack of training in the area of the ICT integration and its alignment to the curriculum, could prevent the progress in an ICT enabled classroom.

Cost of ICT tools can be another drawback to using ICT in the classroom. 


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