Module 9: Activity 6 - Models & Stages of Technology Change

Planning is excellent - it is definitely key to understanding this activity.

At my school I believe that we are in the Adaptation Stage which allows technology to becom thoroughly integrated into teaching patterns. This is when our teachers are most often excited about using technology to prepare and present information.  However, policies and leadership must set the stage so that adherence to what is being done is maintained.
Collaboration and mentoring are critical at this stage and is needed to guide the process along smoothly.  Individuals can become complacent at this stage and need little reminders of the big picture.
Leadership is key to ensuring that we remain focus on our achievable goals while we work through the other elements that can bring the process to a crawl.  These elements include the lack of stakeholders buy-in, infrastructural issues, financial issues and demotivated teachers.  
The process of implementation is slow so the vision needs to be shared and realized by all.


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