Module 1b-3 Activity 2/Assignment 1 - Two generations of teachers, differences in attitude towards ICT

I would have stated as fact that most if not all older teachers were resistant to the introduction of ICT in schools.  However, after completing the reading I am more aware that the statement is false.  The greatest resistance to ICT introduction or integration does not come because of age but rather as a result of the lack of knowledge and improper training.  It was determined that teachers exhibited different attitudes because some were fearful, indifferent or doubtful.  On the other hand some teachers were very excited and filled with enthusiasm.

The expectations of the younger teachers to be the trail blazers led to a number of them feeling overwhelmed.  While on the other hand some older teachers were just excited to be exposed to the new technology, while at the same time getting an opportunity to own a computer at home.  

I am now able to safely conclude that there is a distinct difference between generation divide and implementation divide with regards to ICT implementation.  The training that a person has received and the potential to continued training are factors that must be considered to determine an individual's abilities and desires.


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