Module 1B-3: Activity 1: Conclusions from the discussion on ICT integration in developing nations.

"The race is not for the swift but for he that endures to the end" came to mind while reading the article.  Then the reality hit; it is just about endurance in this case.  The need for large sums of money to advance ICT and the passion to see it happen are much more important at this juncture than endurance.  It is a fact that developed nations have forged ahead in the field of ICT integration within their schools and they also have the necessary resources to sustain its development.  Contrary to that fact is that developing nations are not in the same financial position, which is one of the main ingredient for the development of integration of the technology. 

Developing nations may not be able to outdo developed nations but I am confident that they could at least be on even par if the resources were similar.  There are individuals with the requisite skill set, desire and determination to see the advancement of ICT in developing nations.  We would agree that all of the aforementioned are not enough to see the advancement even in our small twin island state. However, I am a believer that if the persons at the helm would seize the vision for the importance of ICT integration within their various nation/states, then the wheels will be put in motion (despite the world's financial situation) towards positioning developing nations into becoming more competitive.


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