Module 9: Activity 4 - Whole School Conditions for ICT Integration

ICT integration on a whole school basis can be done by anyone and at anytime but to ensure it sustainability proper guidelines must be put in place.

  • An audit of the present school’s operation should be done
  • Have the members of staff participate in the planning and decision process, this will assist with a buy-in.  The project will NEED the majority to buy-in to the initiative.
  • All stakeholders must be duly informed about the process as well as the expected outcomes.
  • Policy outlining clearly the who’s, what’s, where’s and how’s and the rewards/penalties should be put in place prior to the implementation.
  • Management should be knowledgeable about the process and will be willing to show support during the process of ICT integration.
  • Support must be offered and given to the teachers in regards to pedagogy.
  • Motivated leaders with a clear vision


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