Module 7 - Activity 10: Sharing Online
Online sharing can be done using various methods and it can be considered a personal preference depending on the audience, purpose for sharing and what feedback is required. There are several types of learners so choosing to use either Wikis, Blogs, Audiovisual, Audio or Video has to do with the messages that needs to be transmitted and the audience that you are appealing to. My personal preference in this exercise was the use of Podcasts because I was focused on students who for one reason or another was unable to attend classes, and could still benefit from having the lessons recorded using Podcast. They would have the advantage of getting the information whenever or where ever they chose. Podcasts are not for everyone but they are quite easy to create and very inexpensive, thus creating an appeal.
Give it a try - no subscriptions necessary - and a wealth of information awaits you. You just might be amazed.

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