
Showing posts from 2011

Module 2A-4 - The Word Processor as a learning resource

The vast uses of the word processor came to light in this exercise.  I used the word processor to create a tri-fold brochure with my students.  The activity was well received and the students agreed that the instructions were clear and concise.  The interaction between the students were outstanding and the results very good.  The challenge came from the printing aspect of the project. The ability to incorporate ICT into your class exercises definitely benefits the students because of the various learning styles.  

Module 2A-4 - activity 3: Word Processor for administraor lesson preparation

I have been using word processors as a part of my lesson preparation and it has always been a source of help to me.  This exercise has served to strengthen my skills thus making the process of document preparation more seemless and the benefits more desirable.  I look forward to continued improvements in the use of word processors. Anything that can assist an educator in becoming better at what he/she does is a welcomed addition.

Module 1B-3: Group activity 3: Learners Charter

The learners charter is a place where ideas are bustling.  The contributors have truly placed themselves in the world of the learners and have brainstormed well.  I hope that the data collected will become a source of transformation for the development of our students.  Good job guys/gals - keep thinking... 

Module 2A-4 activity 1 - assignment 1

This  activity has given me a renewed sense of purpose.  I am thankful to God for allowing me the time and strength that it required to see this to completion.  I am richer for having completed this project.  I would like to thank my partner Clarita for sharing this special learning experience with me.  The long hours that we invested after our already packed days were over has truly been rewarding. The students in our charge will be the direct beneficiaries of this exercise and it will not be business as usual come next term but we will be able to implement some of the information learnt into our classes. Bring out the Non-Alcoholic Champagne and let us celebrate!!!!!

Module 1b-3 Activity 2/Assignment 1 - Two generations of teachers, differences in attitude towards ICT

I would have stated as fact that most if not all older teachers were resistant to the introduction of ICT in schools.  However, after completing the reading I am more aware that the statement is false.  The greatest resistance to ICT introduction or integration does not come because of age but rather as a result of the lack of knowledge and improper training.  It was determined that teachers exhibited different attitudes because some were fearful, indifferent or doubtful.  On the other hand some teachers were very excited and filled with enthusiasm. The expectations of the younger teachers to be the trail blazers led to a number of them feeling overwhelmed.  While on the other hand some older teachers were just excited to be exposed to the new technology, while at the same time getting an opportunity to own a computer at home.   I am now able to safely conclude that there is a distinct difference between generation divide and implementation di...

Module 2A-4 activity 1 -Reflection: The role of the teacher

Collaborating a document online was a different approach to information sharing but was quite helpful.  I see the role of a teacher as  a very important and interesting one.  We are at the fore of the nation's development and with that in mind I believe that we should take on our responsibilities with great pride and determination. We have come to a time that demands more that getting ready and being present in the classrooms.  We have got to be aware, dedicated, knowledgeable, and committed in ensuring that the work we do really reaches all of our students, while at the same time its effectiveness is realized.  The need for proper planning is critical so that we can tap into the various learning skills of our students.  As teachers we have got to continually update our skills so that we are in the position to impart the best to our students, which will be beneficial to nation building.   Our school plants are not all equally equipped with the necess...

Module 1B-3: Activity 1: Conclusions from the discussion on ICT integration in developing nations.

"The race is not for the swift but for he that endures to the end" came to mind while reading the article.  Then the reality hit; it is just about endurance in this case.  The need for large sums of money to advance ICT and the passion to see it happen are much more important at this juncture than endurance.  It is a fact that developed nations have forged ahead in the field of ICT integration within their schools and they also have the necessary resources to sustain its development.  Contrary to that fact is that developing nations are not in the same financial position, which is one of the main ingredient for the development of integration of the technology.  Developing nations may not be able to outdo developed nations but I am confident that they could at least be on even par if the resources were similar.  There are individuals with the requisite skill set, desire and determination to see the advancement of ICT in developing nations.  We would a...

Module 1b-3: Activity 1: Audit of my school's ICT use

At the Pares Secondary School where the student population in over five hundred (500), there are two labs and the use of one access center that is on site.  The labs are used for the Information Technology, EDPM and Computer Studies programs which are offered as subject areas within the school's timetable.  Computer Studies is an introductory program which is offered to all second formers, while the EDPM and Information Technology subjects are mandatory to all students in third form, but optional to fourth and fifth form students.  The labs contain a combined 55 computers and there have been a thrust to equip our two staff rooms with a internet ready computers.  To date there are three computers in each and one presently has a laserjet printer.  As a result of the availability of computers we are able to slowly make an impact on the awareness of technology to a small percentage of our students.  It is my hope that we can increase the number of computers a...

Making our schools better

After two days of training I expect to be better at imparting quality information to our nation's children.

Technology Workshop

Hi My name is Starrie Greene-Phillip