Module 8 Activity 7 - Tablet Devices in the Classroom

Tablet devices are compact and offer versatility and mobility for the learners. These tools can help students communicate on lessons or queries while they are away from the classroom. This promotes efficient learning by speeding up the whole learning process while the students learn at their own pace.  The devices also contribute to a noise-free environment since there is no need for additional keyboard or mouse. This results in a learning environment which reduces noise and increases focus in a classroom.  They help students learn in an interactive way. Tablets are rich sources of audio/visual tools, such as charts, graphs and images. With these visual elements, learning experience becomes more engaging and fun for the students that ultimately promote them to learn and grow.  Additionally, Tablet Devices are effective tools when it comes to learning different activities or tasks. Using various Apps allow students to learn in an adaptable environment. Tablets allow students to interact with fellow students and share knowledge, while instantly getting answers or feedback from their teachers or fellow students. 
However well-intentioned and beneficial these devices it is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that the students use them in a responsible manner and an environment conducive to learning.  Students must be informed of the rules and consequences if not followed.


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