Module 10 - Activity 2 (Policies and ICT)

We have set plans in place for full ICT implementation over the next five (5) years.  In order to get this accomplished we have outline several steps that will govern the process of implementation.    We have created an ICT Vision, Mission and Aim for the school.  

Our vision is for all teachers and learners in our school to become confident with the use of ICT in an effort to further and enhance their skills and knowledge in the dissemination of information in their various subject areas.

During the creation of our Aim, Vision and Mission statements we thought it was a very good approach to poll both teachers and students in order to determine what they thought of ICT implementation.  Some of the questions asked were:
     What does ICT mean to you?
     How do you think ICT will affect the way lessons are presented?
     Would you be willing to participate in training offered for free by the school?

After we concluded our planning process I was then able to go online and share an ICT policy from another school in England.  I found that to be very informative because we were able to observe a policy that was already in use.  Looking at the scope of that school's policy gave us more ideas in refining our plans and policy.


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