Module 10 - Activity 5 (ICT and Policy)

This draft ICT Policy was a collaborative effort by Clarita and myself as both of us are presently working at the same school.

Our school’s ICT Vision is, “to nurture 21st century educational environment, in which there is commitment to excellence and success in all our endeavours.”

Areas that need to be included in our school’s ICT policy are:-

ICT and Staff development 
• Create an ICT Management Team.
• All members of staff will be professionally trained in ICT integration through seminars, workshops and online courses to be more efficient and effective in their daily teaching/learning experiences. 
• Obtain agreed allocated time from the Principal for training during regular work hours.
• Adapt a phased-in approach system to gradually incorporate all stakeholders.
• Give access to new ICT tools and resources.
• The availability of ICT coordinators to assist in staff development.
• Continued professional development for staff through the use of Edmodo.
• Provide staff with certificates for completing the various aspects of ICT integration and literacy.

• Install electrical outlets in all classrooms to facilitate use of ICT tools.
• Equip all classrooms with proper lighting fixtures.
• Upgrade of the existing internet service by increasing band width which will provide access from all points on the school’s plant.
• Better connectivity within the administrative unit.
• Utilize the skills of past students to assist in monthly maintenance of ICT tools.
• Acquire and install a server which will be used to store all ICT data/resources.

• Reassignment of one classroom to house all the small ICT tools and equipment.
• Outfit the aforementioned room with burglar bars.
• Install motion-sensored lights around the school’s plant to detect activities and ward off intruders.
• Install a security alarm system that will be monitored 24 hours by the company providing the service.
• Security guards to be equipped with modern communication devices.
• Erect a perimeter fence for the school’s compound.


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