Activity 3C – An
ICT SWOT analysis of Pares Secondary School
- Majority of the teaches are computer literate
- Access to the internet via Wi-Fi connectivity
- School has ICT vision and Mission statements
- There are two fully functioning computer labs and a access to a
community lab during the school hours
- Hardware devices (desktops, laptops, projectors, tablets and
printers) are readily available to staff members and students
- EMIS system used for a number of functions to include student
- Access to resources by the teachers whether onsite of off-site
- The creation of an ICT Management Team
- Include policy to guard against equipment damage
- Proposed linkages with community owned businesses
- A phased-in approach is planned for integrating ICT into other
subject areas
- Re-training teachers in the use of ICT into the classroom by the
ICT Management Team
- Online collaboration with students, parents and community
supporters using an online presence (school’s web site)
- Consideration for the use of Open Source software.
- Collaboration with Primary School in ICT integration to help with
cost reduction
- Inadequate infrastructure
- Present curriculum
- Computer labs are used only for specific subject teaching (IT,
EDPM, Computer Studies)
- ICT is used only in a few subject areas (Visual Arts, Home
Economics, IT, EDPM, Computer Studies)
- Slow internet connection
- No UPS for the labs
- Cost of integration and implementation
- Acceptance by some teachers
- Time to conduct training without imposing on personal time
- No school policies to guard against equipment damage
- School wide security plan
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