Module 10 - Activity 4B (ICT and Staff Development)

Staff Development Plan

Having surveyed 15 educators (3 males, 14 females) from all departments to include the secretary on the school plant, we have put this document together which reveals the varying levels of competencies from the survey sample. 

1. Overall, the attitude is definitely positive and encouraging towards the ICT.

2. Only six educators used all three packages before.

3. It seems however, that the more advanced programmes like spreadsheets are not used as often because it takes more skills and techniques. 

4. The need for refreshers’ courses in the basic applications before moving on to more advanced ones.

5. Training in how to use the various ICT tools etc. to enhance their teaching learning experiences.

6. One advanced educator wants to branch out into web page designing.

7. Their major concerns about the school becoming a digital school are misuse of the internet and ICT tools, insufficient resources and connectivity, slow internet, security issues, under-privileged students will be at a disadvantage, students will become overly dependent on the ICT devices, adequate maintenance and upgrading of software and hardware.

8. The males appear to be more advanced technologically. However, our conclusions may be skewed based on the ratio of females to males.

At a professional development day in January, 2014, the ICT vision and the phased-in implementation plan were sold to the staff by the ICT Management Team and from all indications they are willing and ready to forge ahead. 

• SHORT TERM – getting all educators to a comfortable level with the basic applications through online courses and face-to-face sessions. The IT, EDPM and Home Economics departments have doing training and the core subjects (Mathematics and English) will be on stream from next week.

• MEDIUM TERM – Visual Arts, French and Science will be phased-in.

• LONG TERM – ICT integration across the curriculum. There will continuous engaged professional development.


• Training sessions for the entire staff including the secretary, to equip them with the necessary ICT skills so that they can be competent in using them in their everyday teaching/learning duties. The skill set would include but not limited to Microsoft office applications, online applications such as blogs, wikis to name a few.

• Using outside resource persons to help with some of the training.

• Have a support team readily available.


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